
National characteristics





Tibetan Marriage Customs


Tibetans have formed a complex marriage system in the long river of history. In the Tibetan areas before the democratic reform, in addition to the generally popular monogamy, there were also polygamy and polyandry. In addition, a strict class marriage system was implemented. Intermarriage was strictly prohibited between slave owners and slaves. Slave owners paid attention to "matching the family". The basis of marriage was not the love between men and women, but wealth and status. Since the majority of serfs had no personal freedom and had a personal dependence on the slave owner, when serfs and serfs married, they had to seek permission from the serf owner first. After the liberation of Tibetan areas, the old form of marriage has been completely abandoned, the implementation of monogamy. Free love has become the main way for young men and women to choose a spouse. If both men and women are interested, first ask the living Buddha to make a sign of the zodiac. If the result of the divination is auspicious, they will enter the second step and propose marriage. Generally, the man's parents present hada and various gifts to the woman's parents and propose marriage. If the other party agrees, the gift will be accepted and a hada will be returned. Then, choose an auspicious day, hold an engagement ceremony, give "my benevolence" (nursing fee, milk money) and other gifts to the woman's parents, and offer hada to the witness. Then make the engagement and hold a celebration dinner. The day before the wedding, the man will send clothes, headwear, bracelets, etc. to the woman's family. The next day, the man will send a welcoming team headed by a well-known person to the woman's house. The bride welcomed her husband's home and held activities such as offering hada and singing and dancing. Wedding activities generally last for three days, three months or six months after marriage, the newly married husband accompanied his wife back to his mother's home for a few days, that is, the "return ceremony". The wedding is over. When Diqing Tibetans get married, they splash water on the bride and groom. It is said that the splashing of water at the Tibetan wedding in Diqing is a sacred etiquette, which means that the newlyweds respect and love each other and are considerate to each other. Their feelings are as long as running water and as deep as the sea.


Tibetan marriages take a variety of forms depending on the region. Generally, it is the custom of the woman sending the man to welcome her. In some areas, there are also a few customs of "robbing marriage". If the woman's family does not agree to the marriage, or the girl has multiple suitors, and the girl's parents cannot choose for a while, then the witty and brave lover uses "robbing marriage" to solve the marriage.

Horse Grab Team


Relatives and Friends Offer Hada to Newcomers





The current outbreak, the responsibility is on the shoulder, Balagzon in action!

Since the outbreak of the epidemic in Tibet on August 7, 2022, a large number of tourists from Tibet to Yunnan have entered Shangri-La from National Highway 214. The People's Government of Diqing Prefecture has issued a series of relevant policies and measures and actively responded. Medical staff, police and other front-line personnel stick to the front line, have been involved in the "war of resistance" of the epidemic without gunpowder smoke, and jointly participate in dealing with a major public health security incident faced by mankind.